Total Commander 6.54 Public Beta 2
Black Dog
2006-01-19 01:29:11 UTC
En Taro Adun, All

Качать subj либо по ссылке отсюда:


либо сделать текстовый файл со следующим содержанием:


Header: Referer: http://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=76837


и указать его в диалоге "Download from list" (да, оказывается
командир может и это %).


Total Commander 6.54 Beta 2 is available now. I have tried to
correct all problems reported here and by e-mail. Please keep
in mind that this is still a BETA version, so be careful with
new functions! The final version will be announced through our
homepage and mailing list.

If you want to have a look at the beta, you can download it

32-bit version:

and the 16-bit version:

and an U3 USB stick version (ONLY for U3 sticks!):

Important note: You need to allow the referer field of your
browser, otherwise you will not be allowed to download this
file. Some personal firewalls may block the referer field. To
download the file, you need to go to the firewall
configuration and allow the field for the site
ghisler.fileburst.com. This is done so others cannot link to
this file. You may also need to temporarily disable any
external download managers you use.

What's new in Total Commander public beta 2?

18.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 public beta 2 (PB2)
18.01.06 Fixed: Ctrl+D menu - sometimes the checkbox "also
save target dir" was checked
18.01.06 Fixed: Win9x/ME - thumbnails not shown unless the
option WmfAllowed was set manually to 1 or 3 in wincmd.ini
18.01.06 Fixed: When switching from search results view to
other views like network, plugins etc, the tab title wasn't
18.01.06 Fixed: Explicitly set focus to active listbox when
hiding splash screen and quick search dialog to avoid focus
loss caused by some WindowBlinds themes
18.01.06 Fixed: File comments not copied in multi-rename tool
when using 'reload results' button
17.01.06 Fixed: Watchdirs: Directories would not appear when
created while using a custom filter like *.txt
16.01.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Sorting error when name or
subdir started with double byte character (e.g. Chinese) only
15.01.06 Fixed: Footer is not updated at once when sending
files to background transfer manager with F5 - F2

12.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 public beta 1 (PB1)
12.01.06 Fixed: Files with date before 1980 are now shown as
1.1.1980 (only NTFS supports dates before 1980, but TC uses
the FAT date internally which is limited to dates >=1980)

10.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 beta 4
08.01.06 Added: Set MODE Z compression ratio (0..9) for
uploads in wcx_ftp.ini [General] zlibratiobin=3 or
zlibratiotxt=3 (separately for binary and text).
08.01.06 Fixed: FTP upload to a server supporting MODE Z fails
with "error decompressing data stream" when uploading via a
Cisco PIX 7.0.4 firewall (the pix doesn't support compression
rate 1) -> use default rate of 3 now
08.01.06 Fixed: No thumbnails shown for folders on XP (they
were disabled because they can contain WMF files) -> re-enable
if patched gdi32.dll found
06.01.06 Fixed: Access violation when invoking
cm_DirectoryHotlist via AutoIt without setting the lparam
parameter to 0 (only when history+hotlist buttons disabled)
05.01.06 Fixed: In WatchDirs mode, files could disappear from
the list by mistake

04.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 beta 3
03.01.06 Fixed: Problem with hanging download if ftp server
went offline in the meantime
03.01.06 Fixed: Various small errors in English and German
help files
03.01.06 Fixed: Irfanview/Xnview not closed after it was
loaded in the background for displaying of images or
thumbnails (only when new extract method used)
03.01.06 Fixed: Directories were shown under wrong parent in
Alt+F10 tree view when SortUpper=3 was used -> fallback to
SortUpper=2 for tree
03.01.06 Fixed: Upload in background: Rename doesn't work when
a file with the same name was detected
03.01.06 Fixed: Changed function called when displaying WMF or
EMF files, seems to cause no more crashes
01.01.06 Fixed: Sometimes thumbnail extra fields could be
shown in custom columns view with very long names in archives
01.01.06 Fixed: Could not decode SQX (binhex-coded) file when
run length compression was used already in the header
30.12.05 Fixed: Don't show WMF (windows meta file) and EMF
(enhanced meta file) images in Lister and thumbnails view,
because of buffer overflow bug in Windows DLL. Once your
system is patched, you can re-enable them: wincmd.ini
[Configuration] WmfAllowed=3 (1=files, 2=folder thumbnails)
30.12.05 Fixed: Again duplicate hotkey in internal English
"Net" menu
25.12.05 Fixed: Switching from custom columns view to
thumbnail view and back -> horizonal scrollbar was lost
25.12.05 Fixed: Incorrect tooltip for button bar button
command cm_LeftThumbs when menu contained only cm_SrcThumbs
23.12.05 Fixed: When aborting move or delete function in
plugins, don't call FsRemoveDir for parent directories
23.12.05 Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D) was not
case-insensitive for non-English characters like accents or

20.12.05 Release Total Commander 6.54 beta 2
20.12.05 Fixed: U3 version: Fixed editing of menu files
20.12.05 Added: TC will now also look for language-specific
help files named wcmd_xyz.hlp in the language subdir (mainly
implemented for the U3 version)
19.12.05 Fixed: When started from U3 USB stick, handle
installation and switching of languages correctly
19.12.05 Fixed: When started from U3 USB stick, hide
configuration to change custom sounds (they would be stored in
the registry)
18.12.05 Added: Two new installation types for pluginst.inf:
prg will install to the TC program dir, key to the
registration key dir (e.g. for easy U3 installation)
18.12.05 Fixed: Support Euro sign in HTML viewer as &8364;
€ and € - will not work correctly with Cyrillic,
Chinese, or Japanese encodings
18.12.05 Fixed: Parallel port connection: Don't show date for
'..' items and drive letters
18.12.05 Fixed: Use of cm_SwitchLongNames loses cursor
position -> position cursor on correct file even when sort
order changes
16.12.05 Fixed: Using one of the WatchDirs options didn't
consider a directory filter like "*.txt *.doc", so when files
with other types were created, they would also appear in the
16.12.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Deleting files via right
click menu no longer removed them from the list
16.12.05 Fixed: Locking/unlocking tabs can cause wrap around
of tab header. Adjust panel height to this wrap around
16.12.05 Fixed: F3 and other hotkeys no longer working in file
panel when quick view active (should only be the case in quick
view panel itself)

14.12.05 Release Total Commander 6.54 beta 1
14.12.05 Fixed: 2 Total Commander instances, left mouse
selection mode. Drag&Drop files/dirs with right mouse button
between the two, create link -> links with wrong names created
(.lnk extension missing)
14.12.05 Fixed: Explicitly set focus to current file list
before closing the quick search dialog, to fix a bug in
WindowBlinds 5
14.12.05 Fixed: When viewing single files with F3 or Alt+F3
and the local file already exists, use new naming scheme
file.txt -> file.000.txt instead of just file.000 (e.g. for
lister plugins)
11.12.05 Added: U3 support: Internal functions to ensure that
TC shuts down in all cases when removing an U3 USB stick
09.12.05 Fixed: Included new unacev2.dll (security bugfix)
09.12.05 Fixed: Don't save selection within a tab when
switching away from a locked tab with dir changes allowed
(except when in the base dir of that tab)
30.11.05 Fixed: FTP: replace special chars ;:@&=+"#%<> by
%hexcode, because some HTTP proxies (Squid!) dislike these
characters in URLs
30.11.05 Fixed: FTP: trying to download very long name can
cause access violation
29.11.05 Fixed: Some colors incorrect when using white on
black text
25.11.05 Fixed: By mistake, all content plugins without a
detect string were loaded with totalcmd! <- solution: save
empty detect string to ini too!
23.11.05 Fixed: Some right to left dialogs (Hebrew, Arabic)
were not shown correctly, e.g. search in plugins
22.11.05 Fixed: When adding files to a packer plugin archive
with different extension than registered, TC didn't ask for
overwrite. Changed plugin interface version to 2.11 to reflect
this change.
22.11.05 Fixed: Status path shown incorrectly in custom
columns view with LongInStatus=1
13.11.05 Added: For admins: Under
Commander\configuration, add allowed (type string) and/or
RestrictInterface (type DWORD) to restrict user options. The
value will be combined with the value in the ini file (the
more restricted wins)
30.10.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: use UTC for MDTM
30.10.05 Added: Multi-rename tool: Replace characters
(returned by plugins) which are not allowed in file names by
underscores or dots
21.10.05 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel: With some lister
plugins like hpg_ed, F3 invoked both find next (desired) and
the lister (not desired)
18.10.05 Fixed: FTP sync: additional check for ESC during
18.10.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Increased the default widths
of the size columns a bit (user request)
18.10.05 Fixed: Search in plugins: Go to file not working if
the file name or path contained a forward slash
16.10.05 Fixed: Background transfer manager: speed limit not
working when copying multiple subdirs
16.10.05 Fixed: Background transfer manager: aborting copy
function not always working
11.10.05 Fixed: Disallow the creation of directories ending
with spaces, e.g. "a / \ "
11.10.05 Added: Allow to delete directories and files which
end with one or more spaces!
09.10.05 Fixed: Memory error in compare tool with some big
28.09.05 Fixed: When using Letters with search dialog as quick
search mode in archives with Ctrl+Q, then going to an image
file can cause an access violation (because the quick search
dialog is hidden by the unpack dialog)
27.09.05 Fixed: In double byte languages like Chinese,
characters in zip/rar with second char '|' were shown
incorrectly (because '|' is normally illegal in file names)
27.09.05 Fixed: Make FTP client work with FTP servers which
return a forward slash after a directory name
27.09.05 Fixed: When browsing virtual folders, try to get the
name in various ways (first for parsing, then in folder, then
27.09.05 Fixed: F3 on mp3 file marked "Text" instead of
"Image/Multimedia" in lister's menu
23.09.05 Fixed: Unzip: If zip file contains invalid (0)
date/time, don't set it on extraction
21.09.05 Fixed: Lister: Wrong text copied in first line
(unicode mode and utf8 mode)
18.09.05 Fixed: Wrong display under the following condition:
Vertical arrangement, two drive button bars, then switching
color depth (e.g. 16 bit -> true color)
18.09.05 Fixed: Custom columns view: "list index out of
bounds" error if both sides only show name+ext, and the column
width is adjusted by mouse
18.09.05 Fixed: Dual screen mode: Double click on word in
Lister only selected the word on screen with positive
18.09.05 Fixed: Win9x only: Renaming not working in mode
singleclickstart=1 if the mouse was moved over the file list
during renaming
16.09.05 Fixed: Clicking on panel title while quick view was
active did not activate the RTF viewer or a plugin inside of
the quick view panel
16.09.05 Fixed: On Ctrl+U, do not set swapped tab title to
locked tabs
13.09.05 Added: Command line parameters for uninstaller
tcuninst.exe for silent uninstall: /r repair, /0../7
uninstall. Sum of: 1=desktop icon, 2=context menu entries,
4=all settings files
25.08.05 Fixed: Button bar : no icon shown if path contained a
23.08.05 Added: Optimize unzip: open archive once at the
beginning and keep open (necessary because of a bug in Windows
XP SP2, where CloseFile over a network takes up to 2 seconds!)
10.08.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Copy direction problem when
synching between dir+zip in asymmetric mode and unchecked
09.08.05 Fixed: Tree functions and creation of dirs failed if
Alt+F10 tree contains paths longer than 259 characters
29.07.05 Added: On Ctrl+PageDown, TC now searches the first
512 kbytes for a valid archive header. Reason: The RAR
unpacker will support themes which can contain a big
uncompressed background bitmap in the unpacker...
06.07.05 Fixed: Copy speed limit wasn't enforced when opening
the background transfer manually and adding files for copying
AFTER checking the speed limit option
06.07.05 Fixed: Clicking on "*" button in the inactive panel
added/removed the wrong directory (from the active side!)
06.07.05 Fixed: Internal unzip: forget password after
06.07.05 Fixed: Built-in English menu: In the "Mark" menu, two
menu items had the same hotkey
06.07.05 Fixed: Changed behaviour of FTP server define dialog:
Alt+Shift+Enter during a connection will keep currently used
server type. OK will apply the new settings, Cancel will
revert to standard type.
05.07.05 Fixed: Button bar: If parameter starts with '?' and
contains one of the list parameters like %L, the temporary
list wasn't deleted if the user clicked 'cancel'
05.07.05 Fixed: Ctrl+Shift+U (Swap all tabs) not working
properly when a tab with "locked but dir changes allowed" was
an active tab, and this tab was showing something else than
the locked root dir
05.07.05 Fixed: Tab with "locked but dir changes allowed" was
lost (deleted) when it was showing a search result while
closing the program (only if the tab was inactive)
05.07.05 Fixed: Switch between tabs with comment view and tree
view not working correctly
05.07.05 Fixed: Switch from search result view to tree view
didn't change tab title from "Search result" to e.g. "c:"
05.07.05 Fixed: Don't switch from search result to full view
when choosing Show-Full while showing comments in search


четверг, 19 января 2006 г., 2:00:10
I use Total Commander 6.54
under Windows XP 5 Service Pack 2
http://wincmd.ru - Все о Total Commander
http://www.fforum.ru/index.php?showforum=17 - Форум о Total Commander