Question about TCRadmin beta 3.1e
2006-02-07 06:35:29 UTC
Hello. Anyone knows about new versions of TCRadmin beta (
http://www.totalcmd.net/plugring/TCRadmin.html ) ?
It`s works only with 6.02/6.03/6.03a or can work with 6.5x ?
http://wincmd.ru - Все о Total Commander
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Andrew Krivosheyenko
2006-02-07 10:32:37 UTC
Hello Icecold,
Post by Icecold
Hello. Anyone knows about new versions of TCRadmin beta (
It`s works only with 6.02/6.03/6.03a or can work with 6.5x ?
As I remember this version will not work with 6.4 or higher. I use
"TCRadmin beta 1" with my 6.54 public beta 2 and, actually, it works
(I can't say it will never crash your TC, but there no alternate)
Best regards,

Origin: ... Товаpищи кypсанты, вчеpа yмеp маpшал N. Кто его не видел,
тот может посмотpеть, он висит в ленинской комнате...
http://wincmd.ru - Все о Total Commander
http://www.fforum.ru/index.php?showforum=17 - Форум о Total Commander